
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Monday Sep 18, 2017
We often live out our lives on the path we thought was right for us when we left school. We recognised what it was we were good at, what our passion was, what pays good money in the long game, and we follow that path for a long time into adulthood in the hope that we get that beautiful home, nice car, amazing friends and family. But what happens when you achieve all that? What if you’re left craving something more?
If this sounds like you, you need to meet my guest on today’s episode, Ruth Anslow, a woman who quit her Global Marketing Manager career to unveil a purpose-rich life as a social entrepreneur. It was a difficult road, but she discovered her true path and is here to share tips with you in discovering yours.
If you enjoyed this episode you can read the show notes and subscribe at www.bethkempton.com/podcast

Monday Sep 18, 2017
Steph Jagger on bucket lists, goal setting and listening to your heart
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Monday Sep 18, 2017
What is the smallest thing you can do now to follow your heart? Think about it. Write it down if you like. This is just one of the many questions of wisdom my guest Steph Jagger plants on us in today’s episode.
Steph is the author of Unbound, a story of snow and self-discovery and she’s helped women the world over define who it is they want to BE and what they need to DO to get there.
Listen in for the next 40 mins of exploration where we talk about everything from battling fear, the pros and cons of setting goals, and how to find stillness and solitude to allow golden thoughts and plans emerge.
If you enjoyed this episode you can read the show notes and subscribe at www.bethkempton.com/podcast