
Monday Nov 20, 2017
Monday Nov 20, 2017
Are you an aspiring writer on a creative path constantly facing setbacks? Are you embarking on a change in your creative career and something’s just not quite clicking? Or are you someone who feels like they’ve lost their sense of “Who am I?” “Is this the right direction for me?” This conversation with the wonderful Alexandra Franzen will help you march forward again.
Alexandra is a smart, witty, successful writer – her words featured in some of the world’s biggest publications like Forbes, TIME, Newsweek, The Huffington Post and Life Hacker. Even in song lyrics and stencilled onto paintings – who helps creative people find encouragement again. She has a giant heart, and throughout her successful writing and radio career Alex has survived every type of writing related drama you can imagine.
I invited Alex on to the show to share with me how despite those moments of wanting to give it all up, she finds the courage to dig deep, stay focused and carry on producing her best work.
Key moments:
[3m 30s] Alex shares what her life is like on an average day (not the Instagram version, the real version)
[6m 10s] Do you ever over-estimate what you can get done in a day? Alex has a technique to tackle this
[9m 30s] Alex shares why “You don’t need more time, you need more intensity” to overcome ‘guilty thoughts’ freelancers can feel
[12m 30s] Alex tells us about the transition from office worker to self-employed writer and the tools she put in place to ease the process
[13m 20s] Alex talks about the immense anxiety she felt in her first year of self-employment
[17m 15s] Beth asks Alex what she thought her future held before self-employment and Alex shares her clarity – a long time coming
[19m 40s] The key to discovering the things you love to work on and what you can be paid for
[21m 50s] The importance of having ‘non-work related’ projects to get outside of your brain and into your body
[27m 0s] The clues to your greatest gifts – you might be surprised about where you can find these
[28m 15s] Alex talks about the value she gets from coaching creatives and how having an hour in your calendar with your coach is good for the soul
[32m 0s] For anyone who is stuck on a creative project for any reason, Alex shares some really great advice that will overcome your challenge (whatever it may be)
[35m 0s] How do you know which criticism to take on board from somebody and which you shouldn’t?
[38m 40s] The importance of finding and knowing who your support network is for the times you need to open up to someone about creative career challenges
[41m 0s] Alex tells us what the essence of a great story is made up of – it’s more simple than you think
People + sources mentioned:
Beth’s book: Freedom Seeker: Live more. Worry less. Do what you love.
Alex’s book: You're going to survive

Monday Nov 06, 2017
Rebecca Hughes on giving yourself permission to explore
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Do you crave unexpected adventure in your life? Have you at times shied away from risk, in favour of being comfortable with the way you live, work and play?
Today’s episode with Women’s Adventure Expo co-founder Rebecca Hughes is sure to get you fired up and curious about how to bring adventure into your daily routine. In this episode, we discuss the two different types of adventure seekers. There’s the sporty, thrill-seeking adventurer who challenges herself physically and mentally, and there’s the “urban explorer” adventurer who’s curiosity leads to twists and turns in business and life.
Which one are you?
Listen in and hear why Rebecca believes all women should give themselves permission to explore, live bravely and surround themselves with a community of likeminded souls.
Enjoy the show!
Key Moments:
[2m30s] Rebecca tells us what the word adventure means to her and the two different types of adventurers in the world
[5m35s] What Rebecca has learned through being an urban explorer
[7m0s] Moments when Rebecca felt trapped and her work life lacked adventure, and what she did to bring freedom back to her every day
[9m40s] Rebecca’s thoughts on risk and why it’s essential for living and learning
[12m0s] Wild camping and how it’s a great break to experience a healthy pace of life
[14m30s] How Rebecca has brought her children up with adventure at their core
[17m0s] Rebecca’s advice for encouraging your children to climb
[20m05s] How Rebecca’s business the Women’s Adventure Expo came to exist
[24m25s] Rebecca’s business mission, core values and how they structured the business as a CIC Social Enterprise model
[25m50s] The mix of adventure seekers who attend Rebecca’s events – some enormously sporty and physically brave, some less physical adventure seekers, explorers, and mummy adventurers
[29m55s] How Rebecca feels when she is around women in her community who have such ‘can do’ attitudes
[32m10s] Why women should unite to create communities and the importance of having other women in your life who empower you
[32m50s] What Rebecca says to people who make finances the blocker for doing the adventures they love doing
[37m0s] Beth asks Rebecca “What does Freedom mean to you?”

Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Josie Adams On How her dream turned into her path to entrepreneurial success
Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
After meeting in Japan in 2013, Josie and Tom (Josie’s partner) set up The Coffee Gondola, a completely mobile gondola serving fine coffee in the mountains. The business began as a dream Josie had and has ever since gone from strength to strength. This episode is a fascinating story for anyone who fears their dreams could be too far from reality. Listen in, you will go away making plans and taking action.
Key moments:
2m 50s How a random dream turned out to be the path for Josie & her partner Tom’s entrepreneurial success
5m The realisation of seeking independence, and how a fun project turned into a money maker
6m Josie and Tom’s personality traits and how they both compliment their business ideas
7m 20s How Josie took her dream and made it into an actual working reality
9m How Josie happened upon their famous Coffee Gondola which they later turned into their new mobile cafe business
9m 45s Ways in which Josie kept herself motivated during the year up to when they started trading
11m The shift that occurred when the Coffee Gondola became a serious project and Tom and Josie quit their jobs
12m How Josie and Tom planned their launch of the Coffee Gondola at festivals
13m 15s What life is like waking up in the mountains every day
14m 20s The satisfaction Josie feels in seeing her dream come to life
18m 10s What it’s like for Josie working with her partner Tom so close, every single day
20m 50s The things Josie does outside of work to ensure a balance between work and play
22m 20s Why Josie runs ultra marathons as a form of meditation
25m 30s Josie’s definition of freedom – what feeling free means to her.
27m 30s The approach Josie takes in making key decisions for her life and business
30m 30s Josie’s tips for anyone who has a dream that feels so far from your current life

Tuesday Oct 24, 2017
Tuesday Oct 24, 2017
Sam is an inspiration, a three times cancer survivor who founded Sam’s Spaces, a network for people finding their way after cancer. After our fateful meeting (I share the story on the show!) I was so blown away by Sam’s story that I interviewed her for my book Freedom Seeker and was wholly moved by her strength and light.
I’m delighted to have Sam on the show today to talk more about the healing process after experiencing trauma. We go deep into why we need to make radical self-care at the forefront of everything we do.
If you or someone you know is going through or has experienced a life changing trauma of any kind in their lives, this one is for you.
Key Moments
[5m 30s] Sam shares the gift that cancer has given her
[6m 50s] We talk about whether stress can bring on cancer and Sam’s own experiences
[7m 30s] What a typical day looked like in Sam’s life as a celebrity PA before her health deteriorated
[9m 50s] Sam shares how she was diagnosed with breast cancer at such a tender age of 27
[10m 40s] We share thoughts on the relationship between the mind and body, and how to read signs when they are out of balance
[13m 15s] Sam tells us about the healing process following her third remission
[16m 0s] We chat about the way our minds and bodies cope when subjected to any kind of trauma
[18m 50s] The struggles with saying NO in this day and age when we need to listen to what our bodies need
[20m 0s] Sam tells us about Sam’s Spaces, the support system in place and the connection the community has
[26m 0s] Now that Sam is healthy again, she shares her tips in radical self-care, recommendations that are especially helpful for mums
[30m 0s] For anyone enduring something traumatic currently, Sam shares her advice to you
[32m 0s] What does freedom mean to Sam in her life right now?
People & resources mentioned
Yoga with Adrienne – Sam’s yoga classes she does at home to recenter herself
Where to find Sam
Instagram: www.instagram.com/samspaces_safespaceaftercancer
Twitter: www.twitter.com/samspaces
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Samspacetobe

Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Kerry Roy on How redundancy helped her escape
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
In this episode we talk to a free spirited Yorkshire lass who combines running a successful Glamping, Wedding and Events Business with feeding her addiction for travel and adventure. Always determined to fulfil her dreams, seek new opportunities, travel often and be forever grateful for the wonderful journey of life’s explorations we are given, in listening to Kerry’s story you will be filled with motivation to bring your dream to life.
Kerry Roy is the founder and creative behind events company Camp Katur. Camp Katur is an 'Off Grid' glamping site in Yorkshire, set within a beautiful 250 Acre english country estate with something to offer everyone.
Key moments:
[1m 0s] How Kerry dealt with the disappointment of her redundancy notice and instead made it a positive thing
[5m 0s] How Kerry juggled finances when she began the road to opening her own business
[7m 0s] Kerry discovered her calling, hear how
[8m 0s] How the support of Kerry's partner, Dave, helped her make breakthroughs
[9m 0s] Building a power team of friends and family who helped start Kerry’s business
[10m 30s] Kerry’s attitude to ‘risk’ when curveballs are thrown her way
[11m 30s] The story behind Kerry’s business name, Camp Katur
[13m 0s] Kerry’s mission for Camp Katur, how she looks after her customers and ensures their escape from routine
[16m 0s] Key ways Kerry makes time and space for herself while juggling business efforts day to day
[20m 0s] How she balances work, life and travel – some great tips here
[22m 0s] What's next for Kerry and Dave, their exciting plans to move to the mountains
[25m 0s] How Kerry and Dave work as a couple in aligning each other’s dreams
[27m 30s] Kerry’s amazing visualization for her future
[29m 30s] The challenges and fears Kerry faces on her next chapter…

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Jess Van Den On Making an income through the things you create
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Many creatives dream of turning the items they make into a profitable business that can support their lifestyles so they are free to do work they love from wherever they desire. For one lady, this dream is an ongoing reality and she strives to help other makers profit from their talents and live a life that’s true to them too.
Jess Van Den is a silversmith from Australia who makes beautiful jewellery from her solar powered studio north of Brisbane. She’s the founder and editor of Create & Thrive & the Thriver Circle, supporting creatives turning their handmade hobby into a full-time business and together with her husband Nick, she has built a life for themselves centred around freedom and flexibility.
Key Moments:
[3m 15s] How Jess came to discover the heart and soul behind her business and understand her ‘why’ in business
[6m 0s] The moment Jess decided to make her hobby her business
[10m 30s] What Jess’s day to day life looks like, her creative routine and how she balances business + life commitments
[13m 40s] Why Jess lets go of business priorities at weekends to create headspace
[15m 20s] Jess + Beth’s thoughts on managing social media as a small business owner – and the importance of showing up as your whole self [not to fill gaps in your social schedule]
[17m 0s] How Jess balances time, finances and energy for 2 businesses
[21m 0s] Jess explains the different revenue streams that come from her businesses and how they support her
[23m 05s] The challenges Jess is currently facing and how she differentiates urgent vs. important tasks
[26m 15s] Jess highlights the common challenges creative business owners face and how to overcome them
[29m 30s] Overcoming confidence issues and fear when you’re starting a creative business
[31m 0s] The power of finding a community to support you
[32m 20s] What Jess has learned in interviewing lots of entrepreneurs and changemakers for her podcast
[35m 10s] Jess explains her very own definition of Freedom
Where to find Jess:
Website: www.createandthrive.com
Thriver Circle: thrivercircle.com/
Shop: www.epheriell.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/JessVanDen
FB: www.facebook.com/createandthrive
IG: www.instagram.com/createandthrive
People, books + concepts mentioned:
The Fortune Cookie Principle by Bernadette Jiwa (hyperurl.co/ynizr7)
The Urgent and Important Matrix (explained well in this link: www.artofmanliness.com/2013/10/23/ei…ision-matrix/)
Satisfied mind by Jeff Buckley (www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCU3HXNGaAw)

Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Ben Keene On Risk, Family Commitments + Starting a Business
Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Do you have an idea to start your own business or become self-employed? Perhaps you have many ideas?Do you have a family to support or big financial commitments that tell you working for yourself is not an option? If so, I need to introduce you to Ben Keene.
Ben Keene is a Freedom Seeker at his very core. He is also the brilliant founder of Tribewanted, Head of The Escape School and founder of Rebel Book Club, and having a family of 4 to support, he is the best placed person to share entrepreneurial wisdom with those who are juggling business needs and family demands. In this episode, Ben shares how to deal with risk when you’re starting a business for the first time, how to balance family and work commitments and the desire for travel.
Key moments:
[2m 55s] The trends Ben is seeing towards entrepreneurship as a life transition
[6m 30s] The non-negotiables Ben carries through his entrepreneurial journey
[8m 30s] Ben’s experience of the common personality traits he sees in forward thinking people and those who commonly work with Escape the City
[10m 20s] Advice for dealing with risk if you’re about to start a business
[12m 15s] “I’ve just quit my job to pursue a business idea – what do I do first?” Ben’s fun experiments to start small
[12m 40s] Why we should think more like 10 yr olds and be more playful
[18m 5s] How do you know which idea is a good idea?
[18m 20s] A challenge to try: Visualising your future and changing your identity TODAY
[20m 30s] Organic growth vs. Creating a plan for your life
[23m 15s] The practicality of having a family and finding headspace
[25m 35s] Advice if your partner doesn’t support and understand your ideas
[28m 0s] The parallels of family and co-founder relationships
[30m 30s] The advice Ben would give his 3 young children living in today’s fast and entrepreneurial world
[34m 20s] Tips for taking a long sabbatical or adventure with a very young family in tow
[38m 8s] What “Freedom” means to Ben
Where to find Ben:
Website: benkeene.com
Book Club: rebelbookclub.co.uk
Twitter: twitter.com/benkeene
Instagram: instagram.com/tribebuilder

Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Theresa Reed on living intuitively
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
How often do you use your intuition to make a decision? Are you missing a trick by not trusting your gut enough? That’s the topic we got talking around in this episode – why leading with your intuition is the key to happy, balanced, free life for you and those around you.
I am thrilled to welcome Theresa Reed, aka “The Tarot Lady” to the show. She is the perfect fit for this episode having worked with entrepreneurs the world over to help them channel their inner guide and find their own sense of direction. Theresa has been a full-time Tarot card reader for close to 30 years. She reads tarot via email, over the phone and on skype for clients and has become well known for her tarot business forecasting reading which she regularly offers for entrepreneurs seeking direction.
Grab a cuppa and join us for this one off, special chat where Theresa also shares some rich, parenting advice that she’s developed thanks to her career reading tarot. Be sure to stay tuned to the end, Theresa picks out a tarot card especially for you…
Key Moments:
[4m 0s] The importance of having a simple, peaceful life when you’re a tarot reader
[5m 10s] How Theresa retains detachment and separation from her tarot readings
[6m 30s] How Theresa discovered tarot reading and why tarot is a tool for conscious living
[11m 55s] Theresa tells us the goal of any good tarot reader
[13m 50s] The potential having a tarot reading can bring to you, the choices you make and predictions for your life
[16m 30s] How Theresa uses her experience and intuition to help her be a great parent
[23m 10s] Using Astrology and Tarot readings to map out your business trajectory
[29m 39s] The correlation between tarot and the law of attraction
[31m 45s] The readings Theresa gives for herself, how they work and why she does it
[32m 24s] Theresa tells us what it really feels like to read for someone else
[35m os] Why Theresa always starts he calls with a completely clean, present state only knowing the client’s first name
[39m 10s] Theresa pulls a card for all of us and asks “What can I do to feel more free?”
View the show notes and more at: www.bethkempton.com/podcast

Monday Sep 18, 2017
Nicola Moss on Living + Working slowly
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Do you feel an immense need to exhale and slow down, taking a step back from work and life obligations? Or do you know somebody else who is at risk of burnout? If you need to press the pause and reset button, I am deeply excited for you to listen to this episode with Nicola Moss.
Nicola Moss was a self-described workaholic with a successful career in global advertising until the pace and pressure resulted in full on burnout. A deep journey of inner healing and connection followed and now she runs her own coaching business to help other people slow down and breathe again. In this episode, listen in as Nicola and I discuss how to find a slower pace to work, the negative effects of multi-tasking and how to work around financial pressures to get a good work life balance. Bonus points if you listen to this show in the park, the woods or your garden!
If you enjoyed this episode read the show notes and subscribe at www.bethkempton.com/podcast

Monday Sep 18, 2017
Lisa Moncrieff on Motherhood, Mountains and the Meaning of Life
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Lisa is a doting mum to Rosie, a little girl born with an incurable life-limiting muscle disorder and we are delighted to be able to share Lisa’s, Rosie’s and Lisa’s husband Ian’s story with you today.
Lisa writes an inspiring blog and is practicing life coaching to help families of disabled children find freedom, positivity and happiness. She also climbs mountains and runs marathons to raise money for charity, and in today’s episode, she explains how she realized the meaning of life.
If you enjoyed this episode read the show notes and subscribe at www.bethkempton.com/podcast